Shabbat hos Chabad

Shabbat hos Chabad

Oplev glæden ved et shabbat måltid med alle de traditionelle retter, livlig sang, historier og fejring.

Ugentlige, fredag aften, shabbat og chagim.

As the sun goes down on a Friday evening, our bodies and souls go through a spiritual rejuvenation. Join us here at Chabad as we celebrate Shabbat. With great discussions, hyggelig atmosphere, interesting guests, and tasty home-cooked dinners - every Shabbat at Chabad is unique and special.

To sign up, please follow here.

Ole Suhrs gade 10,  1354 Kbh K

To  contribute towards the Shabbat meals,

Bank konto forening ChabaDanmark, 1551 - 16919616

Or mail us at Chabad Huset, Ole suhrs gade 10. 1354 Kbh K

Thank you.